It has the ability to transform your web applications-really high performance-scale to
any level and meet any demands placed upon it.
Fly My Cloud now provides a whole
host of services and products and our improved, enhanced Middleware Platform remains one
of our best-selling services.
Our Middleware Platform has the ability to provide DevOps as a Service through Modules. You can deploy and update your application through our proprietary service, which enables you to create, manage and scale your network. Our platform has the ability to perform automated backups-giving you peace of mind.
Our Middleware Platform allows you to focus on developing and improving your applications, and it will automatically deploy and update your applications when you push your code out to production. Our Platform can provide you with a GIT repository or use your own repository to push code.
Scale your application on demand. With Predictive Scaling (if enabled), our Artificial Intelligence Powered system will estimate your demand by analysing visitor patterns and social media platforms.
Using our individual add-on modules you can backup all of your data - including code, server configurations, database servers etc.
A variety of programming languages are supported, including PHP, JAVA, RUBY, GO and ASP.NET.
Our Middleware Platform is a multidisciplinary tool with the ability to supports with DevOps, network infrastructure and server maintenance, with the potential to help you reduce your overheads and resource requirements in the longer term.
Middleware Platform supports CDNs and are included in the price. If your application is managed by Fly My Cloud, we use our own DNS system to protect you against DoS attacks. Starting using our Middleware Platform today! Auto scaling plan starts at just £99.00 a month.
All prices are exclusive of VAT. For more details and the terms check out the Middleware Platform Terms & Conditions page
You can find more about configuring and deploying your application on our Quick Start Guide available at
If you wish to have a cloud server or cloud based database with automated backup and automated failover options, try our cloud servers and databases managed by our middleware platform. Unlike with applications, this gives you full control over deployments and you can configure and deploy applications as you wish. The Middleware Platform will take care of backups and failover (automatically switch to another data centre if something goes the datacentre where the server is currently deployed).
- 1 vCPU Instance Web server (except Windows) with 1 GB memory;
- 1 Database Server - 1 vCPU Instance with 1 GB memory;
- 100 GB SSD Storage;
- 1 TB Bandwidth;
- CDN Support;
- Basic protection against DDoS; and
- 10 GB Cloud Storage
Get started today for just
If you are running a business that requires pushing and pulling large sets of data, try our managed Performance Data Store solution. This allows you to push and pull data using our API to our managed Oracle Server. You can have 1000 Operations Per Second with our basic plan.
Checkout our Data Store API at